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Monday, March 23, 2018 @ 9:00 AM

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March 21, 2018 - Forrest Tuff became an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Certified Licensed Drone Pilot through the Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA). The organization's mission is "to advocate for children who need legal and adult protection in abusive and exploitative situations." All prospective volunteers are required to attend one of their scheduled training sessions before becoming active. This training session educates you on how to advocate for the youth in your life and get them help if/when they need it. In order to fly your drone under the FAA's Small UAS Rule (Part 107), you must obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA. This certificate demonstrates that you understand the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures for safely flying drones.

Forrest is a professional videographer and editor that works  on corporate, government, and creative projects like short films, feature films, weddings, and music videos. He is a certified drone pilot that uses a range of drones to help facilitate the story being told. He also has 4k cinema camera rigs that are ideal for product shoots, interviews, and run and gun videography.


He is versed in the Adobe suite and his expertise is in marketing and branding. He understands the impact visual storytelling can have on bringing a brand to life for an audience that cares. Storytelling is at the heart of all videos he creates, and is the main driving force.

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