September 2, 2021 @11:00 AM

Sunday, August 29, 2021 - During Toastmasters International 2nd Annual Hybrid Convention, Forrest Tuff was awarded the Accredited Speaker credential. The prestigious classification recognizes professional speakers who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with mastery of the spoken word, making them paid, sought-after experts in their respective fields. He is only the 89th Toastmaster globally to receive the highly coveted designation.
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit, educational organization devoted to communication and leadership skills development. The Accredited Speaker designation is sought-after by Toastmasters members who are paid professional speakers, have met high standards and are credible authorities in their chosen fields. Fewer than 100 other Toastmasters members have earned the title since the Accredited Speaker program began in 1981.
Tuff joined Toastmasters in 2017 to enhance his skills and further advance his career as a professional speaker. He is the first African-American Toastmaster in Georgia to earn the Accredited Speaker Designation. In his interview, he said, “It is amazing to be a part of history in Georgia, it feels surreal.”
After receiving the news that he earned the Accredited Speaker designation, Tuff said, “This has been an enlightening journey to understand the business of professional speaking. While I am relieved it’s over, this has been well worth it and a life-changing experience (Toastmaster Magazine).”
To become an Accredited Speaker, Tuff had to meet a rigorous set of requirements, including the presentation of at least 25 speeches before various audiences within three years. These presentations, varied in topic and purpose, had to include speeches that persuaded, entertained, informed and motivated. Tuff was required to give two additional presentations before a panel of judges that determined his final qualification for the award.
Since its founding in 1924, Toastmasters International has helped more than four million men and women develop their communication and leadership skills. The organization’s membership exceeds 300,000 in more than 15,800 clubs in 149 countries.
About Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, the organization’s membership exceeds 300,000 in more than 15,800 clubs in 149 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit www.toastmasters.org.